Monday, May 31, 2010

June Newsletter

June Newsletter

Dear Parents,

This month, we will learn about Science. Humans are naturally curious about the world, so we will find the scientist in each child. We will do some experiments and learn basic principles which can be explained or measured with science.
Here are some of the books, songs, and language
activities we will cover this month:

The Magic Hat, by Mem Fox
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carl
Where Does the Brown Bear Go? by Nicki Weiss

If You're Happy and You Know It
Can You Point Your Fingers
Hot Potato

Letters d, v, g, and “i”: their sounds and words which start with them

To see this newsletter and pictures online, please go to

Enjoy your child!

-The Teachers at Stephanie’s English Montessori

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

June Newsletter

This month we are studying Science. We are all natural-born scientists so it should be easy for everyone to learn more about the world around us.

Our first priority is to develop basic science skills. We will spend some time pouring, mixing, measuring, counting, recording, describing and drawing conclusions. We will also learn about the most important and mysterious of all scientific tools, the hypothesis.

Once we have honed our skills, we will begin to experiment. From the areas of chemistry, physics and engineering we will learn about molecules, volume, density, combustion (carefully!) and optics -- colors, mostly. From the realm of biology we will continue to focus on our five senses as well as taking a closer look at the animals and other life forms around us. And of course we must spend some time with astronomy, since we have at least one future astronaut in our class. At the end of the month we will take a field trip to the Science Center to put our new knowledge and understanding to good use, and to have some fun.

At home, ask your child to help with sorting and counting tasks. How many spoons or chopsticks does it take to set the table for dinner? He or she can also help with measuring in the kitchen. Discuss the differences between household liquids such as soap, water and vinegar. Talk about what might happen if you put a can of soda in the freezer overnight -- then do it and find out.

Enjoy your child!

--The teachers at Stephanie's English Montessori

American Sports Part 1 -- Skateboarding

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Children's Day

To celebrate the day before Children's Day we had a delicious feast and a magic with a real magician!

New Friends

We'd like to welcome Miss Audrey, Miss Yubi and Mr. Shane who recently joined us from Dream Class. Welcome to Love Class!

Picnic Day

We planned to go to Yeong-Il Dae, but the weather was not cooperating. So we had a picnic inside!