Friday, July 30, 2010

August 2010 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

This month we will be learning about sea life. We already know a song or two about ocean dwellers, and we enjoy squid and fish filets at lunchtime; now it's time to begin understanding the ocean as an ecosystem. That means learning which creatures live in the ocean, what they look like and also what they eat, how they live and who their natural predators are.

From seaweed to shrimp to sharks to whales, every living thing in the ocean has a part to play. This fun summer subject will help us to understand just what it is that goes on underwater. Once we've learned a lot about fish and their friends, we'll take an exciting field trip to an aquarium in Pohang to impress the science guides with our knowledge.
If you visit the beach or a lake or river this month, ask your child to tell you what kinds of things live in the water. You might just learn a thing or two.
Enjoy your child!
--The Teachers at Stepahie's English Montessori