Monday, November 28, 2011


All the kids helped with Christmas ornaments and helped to decorate the School with them. Very good job Dream and Love Class!!!


Today we give thanks for all that we have. Today is American Thanksgiving. All the kids and the teachers enjoyed the Thanksgiving. Mr. Peter was also celebrating his Birthday on todayalso. Happy Birthday Mr. Peter! And Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!


Happy Birthday Justin. Today was Mr. Justin's Birthday. He showed pictures of him growing up and everyone celebrated his 5th Birthday with a very cool cake!!


This was a big shopping day and all the kids learned about money and shopping! After buying lots of new toys, everyone enjoyed 11/11/11 Peppero Day!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

October Halloween Pictures

The kids all had a terrific time on Halloween. The costumes were fantastic!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

October: Solids, liquids and Gases

Learning about solids, liquids and gases, some of the students made sentences to show how much they learned!! Very impressive!!