Dear Parents,
During the month of February, we will be learning more about careers, such as policeman, fire fighter, doctor, nurse, astronaut, etc. At home, you talk about your job and ask them what they want to be when they grow up.
Also, we are starting "sharing day" on Fridays, in which each child brings something to show and tell about in class (a book, toy, or anything else they want to share). You can ask your child what they would like to show their friends at SEM and have them bring something each Friday.
Here is a list of the books, songs, and language activities we will cover this month:
Quick as a Cricket, by Audrey Wood
Sheep in a Shop, by Nancy Shaw
Here Are My Hands, by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault
Four Hugs a Day
Slippery Fish
I am a Pizza
Phonics Alphabet
Sounding out letters s, m, and t
Words which start with s, m, and t
To see this newsletter and pictures online, please go to
Enjoy your child!
The Teachers at Stephanie's English Montessori
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