Thursday, January 20, 2022

November 2021

  Hello! Long time no see! Later than expected, here is what we had going on in November. This month we learned all about leaves and trees. We had a lot of fun looking around for leaves close to school. 

We also spent our usual time cooking and learning the science of density! Dream class played around with different faces. 

This month we celebrated one birthday. Haden turned 6 years old! How the years fly by! 

Lastly, here's both Dream and Love Class with the turkeys they made! We weren't able to celebrate Thanksgiving like in the past, but it was still fun talking about what we're grateful for. Many said they were grateful for family, friends, school, and play time! 

Please look forward to December soon after this! Our monthly post for January will come sometime after next week as well. Please look forward to our future posts with earnest and thank you!  

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