Monday, June 28, 2010

July Newsletter

Dear Parents,

This month, we will learn about fruits and vegetables. With all the beautiful gardens growing around Pohang, it is important for the students to know the names of the fruits and vegetables being grown and how healthy they are for our bodies!

Here are some of the books, songs,
and language activities we will cover this month:

Mama Don't Allow, by Thacher Hurd
Waddle Giggle Gargle!, by Pamela Allen
PEEPO!, by Janet & Allan Ahlberg

Apples and Bananas
Days of the Week
Months of the Year

Letters k, w, z, and o: their sounds and words which start with them

To see this newsletter and pictures online, please go to

Enjoy your child!

-The Teachers at Stephanie’s English Montessori

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